Swan Hill Stockfeeds provide a leading professional Agronomic service across a range of industries, including Broadacre Cereals, Legumes and Oilseeds, through to Pasture Establishment for Intensive industries.
Agronomy Services
We are passionate about farming and land management, focusing on sustainable long term strategies – developed with you.
We understand no farms are alike. With differences in soil types, rainfall and climate, crop rotations, resistance, and equipment – it’s these reasons our service model is simple and flexible – “we’re there when you need us”. It’s also why we don’t offer “structured packages” or “predetermined site visit schedules”…….

Management Planning
Our professional and dedicated Agronomy team can work closely with you to develop a strategic plan to suit your farm business. Our Agronomists are successful farmers themselves. They have first-hand knowledge and years of experience and apply real life, practical, principles to your business. Whether it’s in the planning, monitoring, recording or evaluation stage our service can be as simple or as complex as you desire.
- Rotational Strategies
- Crop Financial Analysis
- Agworld Recording

Soil Testing
Understanding soil science is becoming an increasingly important component to optimising farm production. Overlayed with other key measureables such as paddock history, yield and previous fertiliser/chemical applications – regular soil testing forms part of a sound farm management plan that can assist with targeted agronomic strategies. With soil the most critical resource in your production system is understanding the chemical, physical and biological composition can help to determine fertiliser and ameliorant requirements as well as appropriate varietal and rotation selections.
- 0-10cm testing
- Deep Nitrogen and Sulphur
- Available Moisture
- pH

Seed Testing
Seed testing is a valuable tool for protecting your seed investment. Seed viability, vigour and purity provide critical information for sowing densities, optimum planting depths and times.
- Germination & Purity
- Seed vigour

Weed Seed Resistance
Through assessing tolerance and levels of herbicide resistance, weed seed testing can help you to develop appropriate chemical and rotational control strategies for in crop, or future management of problem weeds.
- Weed resistance seed test (& rapid)

Leaf & Tissue Testing
Used to help determine any nutrient deficiency, leaf and tissue testing can also be a useful verification tool to check the effectiveness of foliar applications. In-crop solutions and recommendations can be made to enhance plant performance.
- Macro Nutrients
- Trace Elements

Satellite NDVI
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is assessed using Satellite technology to provide a graphical representation of “relative plant health”. The images produced can assist in identifying relative healthy vs stressed areas within crops, and, often coupled with Precision Agricultural Technologies targeted strategies can be developed to improve production.

VRA Zoning
Variable rate agriculture provides information to assist with area targeted sowing density, fertiliser application, crop protection, irrigation and soil amelioration strategies to provide cost effective solutions aimed at reducing yield variation.